Monday, 24 November 2014

New Reportage Final Piece in Progress

So I decided my old final piece (the tracing paper collage; see a previous post) was becoming a little crowded. The more I was layering on it the more messy it was looking and the more it was getting a bit confusing. Also images of people around London wasn't communicating about the pay gap all that well. Meanwhile going around London to draw I've been hearing all sorts of funny/interesting conversations around and a lot of them communicate people's attitude towards money and pay....So I picked some of my favourite quotes of these and mapped where I'd heard them and decided to illustrate around that instead....

Map with just text of overheard conversations:

With illustrations:

I'll be adding a few more drawings before I call it a day on this one and possibly some more quotes if I hear any good ones.

Sunday, 23 November 2014

Editorial project/Lithography

Final piece for editorial project illustrating the rich/struggling divide in the US:

My first try at lithography (based on an observational drawing done in Soho):

Reportage final piece in progress

This is my final piece for this project at various stages (its still not finished). Its all my observational drawings from around London traced and geographically mapped where I drew them as if the page is a map of London. Wanted to upload a few pictures as it keeps changing as I stick more and more drawings on.....I've also been overhearing a lot of interesting/funny things people around London are saying so I might make another map done in the same way with words instead of pictures....Also sorry some of the pictures are sideways....I'm lazy :(

Relief Printing

Behold my first relief print:

Have now cut into the lino to add the next colour...will keep you posted about how it turns out!!

Observational Drawing

 Some observational quick drawings from around London.....