This project was called editions. We had to make an edition of something; anything. At the beginning of the project I was kind of stuck and just drew everything/anything (see visual diary post) then I took a walk and sat down in the park started watching the planes in the sky and it seemed to calm me down. Planes were one of the city noises that have bothered me since moving to London so I thought channeling them into something beautiful might help me come to terms with them being a part of my everyday life. I started trying to draw them quickly as they flew across the sky, started documenting how many planes i'd see in a day. My favourite thing about drawing the planes was that I could feel their movement. I realised that I could see planes wherever I was by just looking up and spotting them became fun: on the bus, on the street, while swimming, through my bedroom window. And if I included small details of the world below the planes in my drawings; like the plants and figurines on my window sill, they started to look like little worlds and strange lands the planes might travel through. I thought about what I wanted to say with this project. And thought about how there is a lot of documentation of looking down from a plane like instagraming plane wings but not too much looking up at a plane...And I guess this project for my was a fun way to change that.
My ideas came together in an edition of 6 flipbooks showing planes flying through strange lands.
I hand carved stamps to stamp each page with:
My business cards:
A practice book:
Stamping on cards:
More drawings and experiments:
More practice books:
One of the final books before putting the cover on:
Some research (another book about looking up):
Experimenting drawing cactuses in the barbican...helping to design the cactus stamps that I made for the books:
The finished books: