Friday, 23 October 2015

Artist Research

Had a tutorial today and talked about my interest in artists like Patty Carroll and Steve Wright creating overly decorated spaces. I think my interest are in moments where works are between art and decoration, like when something that could or should be in the home is in a gallery setting or vice versa.

Marc Camille Chaimowicz

An example of work like this is Marc Camille Chaimowicz. These installation scenes are like scenes you may find in a home.

Alice Channer

 I was thinking about my symmetrical patterns made with letting ink bleed from pro markers and how they would look good digitally printed on fabric and hung to create some kind of decorative space. Like what Alice Channer does in her work...

 Zoe Taylor

 Thinking about my paintings from Laurence Anyways and wanted to research other artists who've drawn painted from films in a similar way. Zoe Taylor is a good example..

Marlene Dumas

In my Laurence Anyways paintings I have used ink made from a Chinese inkstick the quality of which is very light and watery which reminds me of the faces I saw at the Marlene Dumas exhibition at the Tate last year. I think I do need to add darker tones to it however for it to have to same impact that Dumas' work does.

Thomas Demand

I would like to develop my Laurence Anyways paintings into 3D; construct some kind of space out of them. Thomas Demand may inform my work as he makes 3D spaces out of paper.

To make the 3D spaces I would like to make I will do a research visit to the V&A to look at stage sets and draw from them to help inspire my ideas.

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