And spent some time in ceramics creating fictional creatures and objects:
I hope to put these objects together in sets scenes like other artists have sone:
Have been experimenting with making things that cast interesting shadows:
Was experimenting with cut outs and translating this ideas in a way that might work in book form:
Went to the Alexander Calder exhibition and loved the wire sculptures at the beginning; helped to inform my ideas about shadows...
Did some portraits with my classmates at the Peckham Pelican for fundraising (mine are at the bottom right corner)
Thinking about the moving image as we have been asked to make a short animation for January:
Again looking at other artists you have made small sets and photographs. I like the idea of taking real life objects and looking at what they would be in a miniature world:
got some recommendations of relevant things to look at:
Visited Key Gardens light trail for my birthday and drew from the memory of it which helped to inform some 3d work and stamp making. I like that we were following a trail and I would like to bring this idea of a path into my fiction project...
Set building:
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