Sunday 1 May 2016

Current Work

Continued to explore making shapes and mobiles with pipe cleaners also incorporating making fringes with embroidery threat:

Experimented with some cut outs of plant forms I made at the barbican (blowing them up in the photocopier)

Finished mobile (better photos to come!)

As spring is here, its easy to continue to observe plant forms around me:

Making cut outs at the barbican conservatory:

Abstract art pieces at the Tate Modern:

Drawing and cut outs from the barbican:

Was thinking about how to add different kinds of forms to my mobiles by using the cut out shapes I made. Made a stuffed plant... I liked doing this but I don't think attatching forms like this to my mobiles would help add variation to them as this form would also be soft like the pipe cleaners. Therefore I would like to explore making harder forms for them to contrast with the soft.

I atended a life drawing class called Life Drawing with Sex workers where I drew girl on girl poses:

Experimenting with ink; exploring the difference between wet and dry brush strokes:

Decided I will use the lazer-cutter to create hard forms for my mobiles inspired by the cut out shapes I'd made at the barbican. So explored compositions of them by laying them out on a black piece of paper in different ways:

Helped run our final Signed and Numbered fair and also ran a stamp making workshop:

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